Category Archives: Art market

Workshop with Lisa Klakulak

I have been very busy the last few weeks. First there was this very interesting 4-day workshop with Lisa Klakulak. If you’d look at her website ( you’ll see the beautiful things she makes of felt. What I liked most about this workshop is that we  practised  a lot of different techniques in a way that we could work it out further at home. One of my favorites was Machine Stitching to create 3D effects on the felt surface. I have planned to make some samples. You will soon find them on my blog.

After this workshop we went to Ootmarsum on Sunday to show my work at the Art Market. The weather was terrible, so  it wasn’t nearly as crowded as last year. Yet I met  a lot of nice people who came to see (and sometimes buy) my work.

Last Saturday we went to the Art Market in Bathmen. For me it was the first time being there and showing my work. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and everyone was in a good mood. I enjoyed helping people finding there favorite garment. That could be a collar, a jacket or something else. The most important thing was seeing them happy with what they bought and….. selling my work of course.

Now I am working on some assignments in special colors. I find it always a challenge to dye wool in someone’s favorite color . Yesterday I wanted to dye some wool in a certain type of red. It took me a while and a few samples to get the red  I wanted. But I finally succeeded, as you can see. I think this is a very beautiful type of red . Soon you will see what I have made out of it.

Art market

Last week I told you I had an idea for a collar I wanted to make out of my rainbow dyed wool. This idea was a bit vague in the beginning, but while looking at the colors en playing a bit with the wool, it became more clear to me and in several hours a metamorphosis took place (see the picture).

That is what I like so much about working with these materials. They invite me to work in an organic way.

Yesterday we did a photoshoot with my latest work. Our photographer took about 100 pictures for 21 new objects and I am very happy with the results. In a while you will find most of them on my website (see: Interesting Links).

This week I am very busy in preparing my work for the Art Market at the end of August in Ootmarsum (Netherlands). You might visit their website for a preview. I am always looking forward to this market because it is a very inspiring and lively event which will be visited by a lot of people from different European countries. On this market you can see a variety of work from all kinds of artists. I love to be there and I hope that you will come too. I will only be present on Sunday, August 29 because I have a workshop on the other days, but perhaps we will meet then.